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 Cum Creezi 1 Pagina Web 3

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Mesaje : 229
Data de înscriere : 08/08/2008

Cum Creezi 1 Pagina Web 3 Empty
MesajSubiect: Cum Creezi 1 Pagina Web 3   Cum Creezi 1 Pagina Web 3 Icon_minitimeSam Noi 22, 2008 7:49 pm


Web Site:

Pasul 1: Dupa ce ati instalat AppServ bagati tot ce este in arhiva winrar in "www" din folderul cu AppServ !!!

Pasul 2: Configurati site-ul :

Citat :

//Game Database Config
$user1          = "root";          //GameServer MySQL Database Login
$pass1          = "parola";          //GameServer MySQL Database Password
$data1        = "l2jdb";          //GameServer MySQL Database
$host1          = "localhost";          //GameServer MySQL Host

//Login Database Config
$user2          = "root";          //LoginServer MySQL Database Login
$pass2          = "parola";          //LoginServer MySQL Database Password
$data2          = "l2jdb";          //LoginServer MySQL Database
$host2          = "localhost";          //LoginServer MySQL Host

//Server IP and Port
$log_ip      = "89.x.x.x";        //Set the IP of your Login Server
$log_port      = "2106";        //Set the Port of your Login Server
$gam_ip      = "89.x.x.x";        //Set the IP of your Game Server
$gam_port      = "7777";        //Set the Port of your Game Server

//mail config ( for register is mail_activ 1 )
$smtphost      = "";  //Set the SMTP host
$smtplogin      = "";  //Set the SMTP Login
$smtppwd      = "parola";      //Set the SMTP Login Password
$smtpmail      = "";  //Set the E-Mail Adress who from the e-mails
$smtpfrom      = "ServerNameOrYourName";  //Set your/or the Server name insert

$error_in_script    = "0";            //Set to E_ALL when you search an error in script , Set 0 when its all Ok with the script

http://level.php Config
$offline_color      = "#FF0000";        //Color for Offline Status (NO)
$online_color      = "#00FF00";        //Color for Online Status (YES)

//clan Script Config
$leader_color      = "#00FF00";        //Color who have the Clan Leader
$member_color      = "#000000";        //Color who have the Clan Members

$wedding_limit      = "25";            //List max xxx Weddings ( wedding.php )
$level_limit      = "100";        //List max xxx in Top Level ( level.php )
$pvp_limit      = "100";        //List max xxx in PvP Top ( pvp.php )
$p_on_limit      = "100";        //List max xxx in Player Online ( player_online.php )
$pk_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in Player Kill Top ( pk.php )
$most_on_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in Most Online Time ( most_online.php )
$karma_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in Karma Top ( karma.php )
$jail_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in who is in Jail ( jail.php )
$clan_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in Clan List ( clan_index.php )
$rich_limit      = "10";            //List max xxx in Rich Top ( rich.php )

//Register Mail Config
$days        = "30";            //Delete Inactiv Accounts after x Days
$max_accounts      = "1000";        //Maximum of Accounts
$servername      = "MyL2Server";        //Set the Servername
$url_to_activ      = "";//Set the URL to activ.php , without / at the end
$mail_activ      = "0";            //Use 1 for use with e-mail activation, Use 0 for without e-mail activation
$self_mail      = "0";            //Use 1 for activ check e-mail in db , use 0 for withot ckeck e-mail in db
$mail_limit      = "0";            //How often allow the self e-mail for registartion, only works is mail_activ 1 and self_mail 1

Pasul 3: Pentru Alte editari Downloads / How to connect / etc.

Citat :

Citat :

Citat :


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